NYT: An offer the swamp animal can’t refuse…

Juleanna Glover still proudly advertises herself as an advisor to the dying breed of Republican that included George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and ¡Jeb!. The NY Times dropped her a crumb in the form of space in their op-ed page so that she can lay a trap that the remaining swamp animals may find too tempting to refuse.

A third party!

You, Ben Sasse, could be the next Abraham Lincoln! You could exercise “moral authority.” You, Jeff Flake, could build a “morally lucid” third party. You, Bob Corker, could ground that party on “unshakable commitment to democracy, truth and human rights.”

Now, at first you’d have to line up behind Joe Biden, but he’s old, right?

The sad thing is that a Sasse, a Flake, a Corker, a Kasich, might believe the puff pieces the NY Times would deign to publish about them, as part of its broader plan to split the Republican Party in 2020.

NYT: An offer the swamp animal can’t refuse…

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