NYT: An offer the swamp animal can’t refuse…

Juleanna Glover still proudly advertises herself as an advisor to the dying breed of Republican that included George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and ¡Jeb!. The NY Times dropped her a crumb in the form of space in their op-ed page so that she can lay a trap that the remaining swamp animals may find too tempting to refuse.

A third party!

You, Ben Sasse, could be the next Abraham Lincoln! You could exercise “moral authority.” You, Jeff Flake, could build a “morally lucid” third party. You, Bob Corker, could ground that party on “unshakable commitment to democracy, truth and human rights.”

Now, at first you’d have to line up behind Joe Biden, but he’s old, right?

The sad thing is that a Sasse, a Flake, a Corker, a Kasich, might believe the puff pieces the NY Times would deign to publish about them, as part of its broader plan to split the Republican Party in 2020.

NYT: An offer the swamp animal can’t refuse…

Brooks: Ivy League Supremacy

David Brooks wrote another column sneering at the people not good enough to get into Harvard – and who wouldn’t be caught dead there if they could.

Get in your car. If you start in rural New England and drive down into Appalachia or across into the Upper Midwest you will be driving through county after county with few immigrants. These rural places are often 95 percent white. These places lack the diversity restrictionists say is straining the social fabric.

Are these counties marked by high social cohesion, economic dynamism, surging wages and healthy family values? No. Quite the opposite. They are often marked by economic stagnation, social isolation, family breakdown and high opioid addiction. Charles Murray wrote a whole book, “Coming Apart,” on the social breakdown among working-class whites, many of whom live in these low immigrant areas.

That book does not mean what Brooks thinks it means. Murray’s Coming Apart is about the betrayal of working class whites – and the ideal of a middle class America – by the new upper-middle elite who segregate themselves from the working class, send their jobs overseas, import workers to take jobs that remain, and then have the bad grace to condescend to these working class whites.

It is not enough, though, for the Ivy League Supremacists simply to condescend to working class whites. Instead, Brooks and his ilk harbor the age-old temptation to “be as gods.” They want to use their technocratic knowledge of good and their democratic knowledge of evil to play the role of Savior to the world. But they are too soft to make sacrifices of themselves. Instead they send poor whites to hang on the cross.

Brooks: Ivy League Supremacy

Sailer: Wouldn’t It be More Moral for America to Brain-Drain Norway More and Haiti Less?

Steve Sailer is, as usual, on point. But our bureaucratic overlords aren’t interested in morality. They are interested in moral superiority. This is a good, apparently, that they can only buy with the currency of white culture.

Sailer: Wouldn’t It be More Moral for America to Brain-Drain Norway More and Haiti Less?

Dreher: “The Complicated ‘Sh*thole’ Debate”

Rod Dreher, the crunchy-con, posted about “The Complicated ‘Sh*thole’ Debate.” He drew from a reader comment:

I recently moved. My prior residence was in what had been a very nice suburban community, with good schools.

But then post Katrina, the government bought a brand-new large apartment complex (designed for upper middle class) and turned it into Section 8, for the Katrina refugees, mostly. I visited it with church outreach and it quickly became slums, dangerous slums, with lots of police activity. It was just a few miles away.

Then the nearby neighborhoods became increasingly Section 8. The schools declined. The crime, including murders, increased. SWAT would be on my street once a year. Friends kept moving away.

Another new apartment complex opened, much closer. It was a luxury complex with high rates. But it didn’t fill, so it went 25% Section 8. Then 50%. Then 100%. Today it a slum, with massive police interaction every day.

Anyway, issues of class, race, and culture are complicated, especially when it isn’t politically correct to mention demographics associated with education outcomes and crime, independent of poverty.

Dreher appears to share the reader’s judgment that these issues are “complicated.” Juvenal disagrees. They are not complicated, some just do not want to face them.

(Dreher, in particular, seems conflicted on this issue. His book The Benedict Option calls for Christians to withstand the coming anarchy by building and maintaining their own institutions and culture, yet he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty with the enforcement of borders and of an immigration policy designed to protect national institutions and culture?)

What actually IS complicated? Building and maintaining a civilization that is generally peaceful, pleasant, and productive. This is a privilege – be it white or male or whatever other pejorative might be applied – that Juvenal does not take lightly. Alas, the moral superiority so desired by our Washington DC elite does not come cheaply; it can only be bought at the cost of the American inheritance.


Dreher: “The Complicated ‘Sh*thole’ Debate”

Wallowing in the ****hole

In light of the media’s most recent effort to flush President Donald Trump down the, ahem, ****hole, Juvenal recalls that his namesake raised the perennial question: Who will watch the watchers?

Have you seen the news since President Trump’s alleged gaffe? It is a veritable ****storm. CNN’s red button must have broken during Don Lemon’s segment, and the Washington Post, even four days after the meeting, is still gleefully wallowing in ****, like so many pigs from Orwell’s Animal Farm, running no less than five front page articles on the topic.

Juvenal is beginning to suspect the media wants us to be talking about this. It’s almost like they’ve conspired to create an echo chamber we can’t escape.

President Trump admitted to using “tough” language about a “very poor and troubled country,” but he denied calling it a “****hole.” Maybe he did use that term, and maybe he didn’t.

Port-au-Prince, Haïti. Quartier de Carrefour, trafic routier. 20/11/2003
Juvenal wonders if, say, the Crown Prince and Princess of the Acela Class inbred media, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, would leave the swamp and celebrate their union in the tropical paradise of Port-au-Prince.

(But let’s be honest for a minute; does any one of us think, that if a member of the Acela Corridor media elite was told they were being sent on an extended assignment to Haiti, they wouldn’t think, “Not that ****hole!”)

Either way, the key lesson is that even if President Trump didn’t do something – like urinate on a bevy of Russian prostitutes – the mainstream (no pun intended) media has proven it can conspire to publish the most patently ridiculous stories and force the rest of us to wallow in their filth.

The media is such an important institution that it is often referred to as the “fourth branch” of government. When this fourth branch of government abuses its power, what institution is there to provide the “checks and balances” that keep the others in line? Who will watch our media watchers?

Those still looking for reasons why Donald Trump was elected President should keep in mind that Americans understand their media swamp dwellers love nothing more than flinging ****. The Donald has proven, over a long career in the media’s eye, that at least some of that **** doesn’t stick.

Wallowing in the ****hole

Google’s Search for Reality Resulted in Zero Hits

James Damore and David Gudeman may have been scrubbed from Google’s employee search results, but the lawsuit they filed against Goo-lag is full of one hit after another.

The Federalist has a list of the outrages, with each being out-ragier than the last. But one particular episode – a footnote – struck Juvenal’s attention.

Juvenal can’t discern whether this “dragonkin” is wingless, but it could well be yellow-scaled! Either way, if it hasn’t happened yet, soon this dragonkin will be Google’s employee of the month!

Apparently one feature of Goo-lag’s internal indoctrination camp is an internal mailing list “catering to employees with alternative lifestyles, including furries, polygamy, transgenderism, and plurality, for the purpose of discussing sexual topics.”

[Aside: Juvenal was under the impression that discussing sexual topics with co-workers was not a subject for interoffice message boards, but a crime punishable by the ritual of termination, public humiliation, career obliteration, and a marking for castration (to be applied, *ex post facto*, as soon as the Kamala Harris Department of Justice locates that power under the perineum… err, penumbra… of the Eighth Amendment). Alas, it now becomes clear that this penalty for discussing sexual topics with co-workers is just a pretext to get rid of the white guy.]

A helpful footnote in the lawsuit explains to those, like Juvenal, who have not yet caught up to what the “plural” kids are doing. Apparently they are living in the land of make-believe. Defining “plurality,” the legal brief uses the example of “an employee who sexually identifies as ‘a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin’ and ‘an expansive ornate building’ [who] presented a talk entitled ‘Living as a Plural Being’ at an internal company event.”

This is Google, folks: Controls what information we are allowed to access, but is so detached from reality that it celebrates employees who are delusional while blacklisting those who want open discussion.

Google’s Search for Reality Resulted in Zero Hits